Operating instructions
Explanation / Instructions
Relay MV1 defective
Pressure reducer defective
Filling system; Mixing tank al-
most full; Error message: water
supply stopped 0.00 l/min.
Deviation of the flow sensor
or sensor on the left rising
tube incorrectly set
Calibrate the flow sensor; Push
the capacity sensor up a bit
Filling system; Error message:
Flow sensor error
Water supply too low; Pos-
sible causes: osmosis, defec-
tive pressure reducer, empty
signal sensor or flow sensor
Call technical service
Mixing process; Error message:
Error barrel cock
Sensor on the right rising
tube too insensitive, barrel
tap defective (very rarely),
pump does not start due to
triggered motor protection
switch, water monitor, de-
fective thermistor or defec-
tive relay
Call service: Adjust sensor, reset
motor protection switch or water
monitor; restart mixing. If the
pump does not start, check the
relay, thermistor of the pump and
barrel tap
Mixing process; Error message:
Error barrel cock in the 2
ing process
System not set to flushing
Call service: Configuration via
config file
Mixing process; Error message:
Error tank cock
Sensor on the left rising tube
too insensitive or tank tap
Adjust sensor or replace tank tap
Mixing process;
art is
not emptied; no error message
Barrel valve does not close
Call service: Replace ball valve
or relay
Mixing process; error message:
Error pump
Motor protection switch of
pump has been triggered
Reset motor protection switch. If
problem persist, replace pump
Excess temperature due to
hot cleaning or defective
temperature sensor of the
Let pump cool down and restart
Transfer process; concentrate
is not transferred; no error
Filter is set the wrong way
in the cartridge
Turn the filter around and restart
the transfer process
Storage tank full because
the process was started with
a half filled tank
Select another tank, canister or
Timeout has switched off
the pump.
Filter change
Restart transfer manually.
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021