Operating instructions
Figure 4.21:
Release display
(4 mixing operations) = The system has performed 4 mixing operations. At least two
mixing operations are required before the product can be released.
Laboratory tests required = The density deviation is outside the tolerances. A laboratory
test must be performed.
Laboratory test not required = The batch can be released without a laboratory test.
The density difference displayed must be documented in the production protocol
The composition of the finished dialysis fluid must always be tested.
of the concentrate means in this context the confirmation that the
concentrate has either been automatically released by the
ix (no laboratory
test required) or the composition has been confirmed by a laboratory test (see also
section 7).
As an alternative to transferring the user can also use “Home Enter” to get various other options:
F1: release
: Returns to the menu described above.
F2: new mixing
: Starts a new mixing phase.
This option is especially suitable if the required density was just missed. The
ix then
performs a mixing process and again determines the density afterwards.
F3: new measurement
: Performs a new measurement
This function can be used if the concentrate was made the previous day and the machine was
turned off in between. For safety reasons, the
ix will display the request for a laboratory
test without a density after the power returns.
F4: discarding
: discarding the entire concentrate batch
Before a concentrate is discarded due to a density error or a faulty laboratory sample,
you must always contact the manufacturer through your local technical service. If
the concentrate is discarded without any chance to investigate, it may not be possible
to investigate the occurrence afterwards.
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021