1. Place the drum support assembly on a clean work sur-
face with the bearing support facing up. Lubricate the
bearing and sealing surfaces on the bearing support.
Install a new V-ring seal onto the bearing support.
2. Install a new bearing in the drum if replacement is nec-
essary, making certain to press it against the shoulder
in the bottom of the bearing bore. Coat the outside
diameter of a new seal with a good grade of sealant.
Turn the spring side of the seal toward the bearing,
and press the seal into the seal bore, leaving it flush
with the surface of the drum bore.
3. Turn the drum over, and set it down on the bearing
support. Be careful not to damage the seal when low-
ering the drum onto the bearing support.
4. Lower the output planet carrier assembly into the ca-
ble drum and engage the three lugs on the carrier into
the three holes in the drum. Be sure the carrier is firmly
seated against the web in the drum.
5. Install the thrust washer (Item 66) into the recess in the
output planet carrier, then install the output sun gear
(Item 57) into the center of the output planet gears.
6. Install the primary planet carrier assembly on top of
the output planet carrier, engaging the splines in the
primary carrier with the output sun gear. Install the
thrust washer (Item 67) onto the primary carrier.
7. Install the ring gear into the drum. Rotate the ring gear
back and forth to engage the internal splines with the
primary and output planet gears. When correctly in-
stalled, the bottom of the ring gear adapter will be rest-
ing on the thrust washer (Item 67), which is on the
primary planet carrier.
8. Install a new bearing in the drum closure if replace-
ment is necessary, making certain to press it against
the shoulder in the bottom of the bearing bore. Coat
the outside diameter of a new seal with a good grade
of sealant. Turn the spring side of the seal toward the
bearing, and press the seal into the seal bore, leaving
it flush with the surface of the drum closure. Lubricate
a new O-ring (Item 68) and install it into the groove
on the outside diameter of the closure. Lubricate the
outside diameter of the closure and install it into the
drum. When correctly installed, the drum closure will
be approximately 0.034 inch (0.9 mm) above the drum
flange. If the drum closure cannot be installed as
shown, one or more components may be out of posi-
tion or not properly seated. The most common causes
of this problem are the thrust washers being out of
position, or the output planet
carrier not fully seated into
proceed with
assembly until the source of
the problem has been identi-
fied and corrected.
9. Place the motor end plate
on the cable drum, aligning it
approximately with the sup-
port end plate, and centering
it on the drum. Lubricate and
install a new V-ring (Item 103) onto the brake cylinder.
Lubricate the sealing surface of the brake cylinder and
carefully install the brake cylinder assembly through
the end plate into the drum. Position the brake release
port in the same location as removed. Rotate the
brake cylinder back and forth to align the splines with
those on the ring gear adapter. Install the input sun
gear (Item 55) through the center of the brake cylinder,
engaging the teeth on the three input planet gears.