BRADEN recognizes that most hoists and cranes are designed and intended for handling materials and not personnel.
The crane or hoist is to be used to handle personnel only if it can be shown there is no less hazardous way
of carrying out the job.
In these situations, all safety precautions must be strictly adhered to. BRADEN recommends
adherence to the latest revision of API 2D (RP 2D) and/or ANSI/ASME standard B30.5 and/or OSHA and/or other ap-
plicable standards for your application. It is important that you obtain a copy of all applicable safety standards, and that
you read and understand them prior to using the hoist.
In addition to
, or in conjunction with, the applicable standards,
BRADEN requires the following:
• The hoist must be maintained in accordance with the recommendations in this document and the service proce-
dures in the Installation, Maintenance, and Service Manual for your specific hoist.
• When handling personnel, the allowable line pull will be limited to 30% of the hoist rated line pull. This reduction
increases the hoist design factor from 3:1 to 10:1, approximately. Example: a hoist rated at 15,000 lbs. on the first
layer will be rated at 15,000 x 0.3 = 4,500 lbs. on the first layer when handling personnel.
• Personnel are permitted to ride in an approved personnel platform only as described in API, OSHA or ANSI/ASME
• The crane must be in good working order and equipped with all required safety equipment, including an anti two-
blocking device or warning signal and a boom angle and length indicator. Two-blocking occurs when the load block
or hook assembly comes in contact with the upper block or point sheave assembly and often results in damage to
the wire rope, rigging and/or hoist.
• Personnel being lifted or supported shall wear safety belts with lanyards attached to designated points unless lifting
over water. If lifting over water, provide approved personal flotation devices (PFD).
• The lifting and supporting shall be made under controlled conditions and under the direction of an appointed signal
• The operator and signal person shall conduct a test lift, without personnel in the personnel platform, to verify ad-
equacy of the crane footing or support. The crane outriggers, if so equipped, must be fully extended and properly
• Cranes shall not travel (move locations) while personnel are on the personnel platform.
The platform must be landed or tied off, and all brakes set before personnel enters or exits.
Name of Service Company
Approved by BRADEN for handling personnel
if used and maintained in accordance with BRADEN
Recommendations for Personnel Handling Hoists
Hoist Model No.: ____________________________
Hoist Serial No.: ____________________________
Date of Inspection: ____________________________
Work Order/Job No.: ____________________________
Inspector’s Name: ____________________________
For a copy of recommendations write or call: BRADEN
800 E. Dallas St., Broken Arrow, OK, 74012; (918) 251-8511
Sample inspection certificate