1. Remove the wire rope from the hoist drum and align
the drain plug in the drum with the lowest hole in the
support end plate before removing the hoses and
mounting bolts. After the hoist is removed from its
mounting, clean the outside surfaces.
2. To drain the oil, screw a short piece of 1-inch pipe into
the larger threads of the drain hole.
3. Use a 5/16-inch Allen hex to remove the drain plug
through the pipe. If the drain holes were not aligned
before the hoist was removed from its mounting, the
oil can be drained by removing the vent plug and sight
gauge in the bearing support and turning the hoist up-
ward on the bearing support end.
4. Begin the disassembly by standing the hoist on the
end opposite the motor. Tag and remove the hydrau-
lic hoses that connect the brake valve and the mo-
tor (manifold in the case of a two-speed motor) to the
brake release port.
5. Remove the four capscrews and lockwashers secur-
ing the motor and lift the motor off the hoist. Remove
and discard the O-ring installed on the outside of the
motor pilot.
6. Remove the 20 capscrews and lockwashers from the
two tie plates, and remove the plates.