1.6.2 (CXPLUS..T – Thyristor switching)
2.1 The CXPLUS has a default lockout time of 75 seconds
and will start counting down, after energising.
This to ensure that capacitors are not switched in immediately after power loss and an emergency
generator start up - for example. Also, this 75 second default time operates when any one step has been
switched. This is to ensure that it cannot be switched in again until that step has discharged. This enables
the short step switching time of 10 secs to be set – but you can adjust step switch time in the quick start
2.2 Measured Values in the Display
The three larger digits at the top show system 50 hz power factor.
e.g. 0.91i = lagging p.f. 0.91., 0.98c = leading p.f 0.98
If you have a known lagging power – inductive load – then ‘i’ should be displayed in the LCD. If you see ‘c’
and you are certain the load is lagging., switch off and swap over Um1 and Um2. This is better than
swapping over a load carrying CT – which may produce excessive voltages on open circuit. To access the
scroll down values press
The scrolled values
have the following meanings. These are the readings the end user can readily
NB If you do not set the CT ratio, and leave it at the factory setting of 1 ., then the items marked ** will
not be shown. You set the CT ratio in section C.T of the 100 Menu, below.
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