Stand with your arm ex tend ed in front of
your body. Don’t bend or stoop; stand in a
comfortable position. Hold the unit so that
the searchcoil is about 1/2-inch above the
ground. Ad just the searchcoil so that it is
par al lel to the ground.
Standing in the search position,
swing the searchcoil gen tly from
side to side, slight ly over lap ping
each sweep as you move
for ward. Keep your searchcoil
ap prox i mate ly 1/2-inch above
the ground as you search.
Rais ing it during the sweep ,
or at the ends of your
sweep, can cause false
read ings. Move slow ly;
hur ry ing will cause you
to miss tar gets.
Most desirable objects will respond with a repeatable tone. When
discriminating, iron and foil objects gen er al ly do not re spond. False
signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical in ter fer ence, or by large
ir reg u lar trash objects. These signals are easily rec og nized by their often
broken or non-re peat able na ture.
Manual SNOOPER2-printer.qx_Snooper2-printer 11/17/14 11:11 AM Page 14
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