RE 29696-01-B/2021-06-15, Bosch Rexroth AG
About this product |
4THE5 13
5 About this product
5�1 Product description
The 4THE5 joystick is made to be connected to a machine controller (ECU) which
will be used as a power control and system logic. The 4THE5 joystick is suitable
for the control of mobile machines. Thanks to its modularity, it answers to many
configuration of controls, allowing to have an efficient and easy interface with the
Thanks to its various type of output, the joystick is compatible with Bosch Rexroth
: CAN joystick for application in safety-related parts of control systems
up to PLc, Vbat supply
: CAN joystick for application in safety-related parts of control systems
up to PLd, Vbat supply
Analog Ratiometric 5 V joystick, PLd capable
: Analog PWM 5 V joystick, PLd capable
Sample applications
Output variants available