Built-in work light
Your tool is equipped with an LED light
for better visibility when using the
After the trigger
is activated, the LED
will then stay on for 10 seconds. The
l e n g t h o f t i m e f o r a f t e r g l o w c a n b e
changed in ‘Bosch ToolBox’ app setting
(if connected).
Operating tips
You will extend the life of your bits and
do neater work if you always put the bit
in contact with the work before pulling
the trigger. During the oper a tion, hold
the tool firmly and exert light, steady
pressure. Too much pressure at low
s p e e d w i l l s t a l l t h e t o o l . T o o l i t t l e
pressure will keep the bit from cutting
and cause excess friction by sliding over
the surface. This can be damaging to
both tool and bit.
Driving with variable speed
T h e t e c h n i q u e i s t o s t a r t s l o w l y ,
increasing the speed as the screw runs
down. Set the screw snug ly by slowing
to a stop. Prior to driving screws, pilot
and clearance holes should be drilled.
Always hold the tool straight on the bolt
to be tightened.
The best method to determine the right
i m p a c t i n g / t i g h t e n i n g d u r a t i o n i s b y
means of a trial. For small screws, the
right impacting/tightening duration can
b e r e a c h e d i n l e s s t h a n 0 . 5 S e c .
T h e r e f o r e , w o r k w i t h l o w R P M a n d
switch the tool off immediately when the
screw is tight and the impacting sound
can be heard.
For screwing larger, longer wood screws
into hard material, pre-drilling is the best
Tightening Torque
The tightening torque depends on the
duration of the impacting/tightening
action. The largest tightening torque is
a c h i e v e d a f t e r a p p r o x . 6 t o 1 0 S e c .
impacting / tightening action.
The torque build-up depends on the
following factors:
Hardness of the bolts/nuts.
Type of washer (disk washer, spring
washer, seal).
H a r d n e s s o f t h e m a t e r i a l t o b e
Lubricating effect at the surfaces of
the junction.
This leads to the following application
Hard joining application:
The joining of
metal to metal with a disk washer. The
m a x i m u m t o r q u e i s r e a c h e d a f t e r a
r e l a t i v e s h o r t i m p a c t i n g / t i g h t e n i n g
Medium joining application:
The joining
of metal to metal when using spring ring
washer, disk spring washer, stud bolts
or bolts/nuts with conical seats.
Soft joining application:
The joining of
e.g. metal to wood or insulation material.
For middle or soft joining cases, the
maximum tightening torque is less than
f o r h a r d c a s e s . T h e r e f o r e , a l o n g e r
impacting/tightening action is necessary
to arrive at the maximum tightening
Selecting the working mode
The power tool has two preset working
m o d e s : A a n d B
( 2 0 )
. Y o u c a n a l s o
program working modes for different
applications and adjust existing modes
via the Bosch Toolbox under A and B.
To switch between the working modes A
and B
, press the Mode button
By Default Mode A is designed for Self-
D r i l l i n g S c r e w s . A u t o S l o w D o w n i s
a c t i v a t e d i n b o t h t h e f o r w a r d a n d
reverse directions.
By Default Mode B is designed for Wood
Screws. In the forward direction Auto
Shut-off is activated. In the reverse
direction Auto Shut Off functions as
Auto-Bolt Release for the default Mode
Only one Setting or Mode can be
active on the tool at a time. 1, 2, 3, A, or
Fastening with screws
This procedure shown in (Fig. 11) will
enable you to fasten ma terials together
Operating Instructions
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