Emptying the Dust Box
W e a r
r e s p i r a t o r y
p r o t e c t i o n , p r o t e c t i v e
e y e w e a r , g l o v e s a n d d u s t p r o t e c t i v e
clothing. Dust box may contain crystalline
silica dust.
Reference Guide
Following table may be used as a guide to
determine how often the dust canister
should be emptied.
Please inspect the filter
regularly for
damage and/or excessive dust accumulation.
Empty the dust box
after completing your
work or as needed.
REMOVING the dust box from the dust
extraction attachment:
1. H o l d t h e p o w e r t o o l w i t h t h e d u s t
extraction attachment horizontal and
s w i t c h o n t h e p o w e r t o o l f o r a f e w
seconds. This will cause residual dust to
be cleared out of the extraction channel
into the dust box
U s e c a u t i o n r e m o v i n g
d u s t
b o x
f r o m
t h e
attachment to avoid release of crystalline
silica dust.
2. Press the release button
, located on
the front of the dust box
, to unlock the
d u s t b o x f r o m t h e d u s t e x t r a c t i o n
attachment (Fig. 7).
3. With the dust box
unlocked, slowly pull
the dust box downward from the dust
extraction attachment (Fig. 8).
NOTE: Keep the tool in a horizontal
drilling position to avoid spilling any of
the contents while pulling the dust box
out of the dust extraction attachment.
DISPOSING of the contents of the dust box:
Do not create air-borne
d u s t
d u r i n g
t h e
disposing process, and always dispose
dust box contents in a closed plastic bag.
Improper disposal of silica dust may cause
a health hazard.
After removing the dust box from the dust
extraction attachment, follow these steps
for proper disposal:
A. Gently release the lock on the bottom of
the dust box empty flap, and carefully
place the dust box
inside a plastic bag.
I t i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t t h e d u s t b o x i s
completely covered inside the plastic
bag to keep any possible air-borne dust
inside. Turn the dust box over to empty
out the contents. Lightly tap the dust
box to assure all contents have been
removed. This light tapping will also
remove any large dust particles that
accumulated on the surface of HEPA
(Fig. 9).
B. Remove the dust box from the plastic
bag and examine to assure the HEPA
f i l t e r
1 6
h a s b e e n c l e a r e d o f a l l
accumulated dust particles.
Replace the HEPA filter when collected
dust particles may not be removed from
the filter material.
Damaged filter may
create a risk of exposure to crystalline silica
Hole size
Number of holes
½” diameter, 1½” deep
~ 20*
¼” diameter, 1½” deep
~ 40*
* Larger diameter holes or deeper holes will cause the
number of holes to vary.
FIG. 8
Operating instructions
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