1 690 706 005
Robert Bosch GmbH
48 | FWA 4630 | Maintenance
en |
Description / message
Possible cause
Remedy / action
"No reference values."
Obstruction between the reference cameras.
Make sure there is no obstruction be-
tween the reference cameras.
"Measurement path
Obstacle between camera and board.
Remove obstruction.
Shut down the PC, disconnect the FWA 4630 from the
mains for 10 seconds and start up the PC again.
"No reference values or ref-
erence values not stable."
Obstruction between the reference
cameras or no stable reference val-
ues due for example to vibration.
Make sure there is no obstruction between the reference
cameras. Make sure the sensors/lifting platform are nei-
ther moving nor vibrating. Switch off the vehicle engine if ap-
plicable to avoid vibration at the platform or sensors.
Fault message "Net-
work fault".
No connection between Ethernet switch and PC.
No connection between Power LAN and sensor.
Check cable connection.
Re-start wheel alignment unit.
"Problem with data trans-
mission to sensor" dis-
played briefly on monitor.
Search for new communication paths
for data transmission to sensors.
Ignore the fault message.
"Measurement box not
accessible" briefly dis-
played on monitor.
Re-establishment of connection to
communication processor.
Ignore the fault message.
"Measurement box not ac-
cessible" constantly dis-
played on monitor.
No connection between comput-
er and communication processor.
Program crash.
Communication processor defective.
Check wiring between computer and communication processor.
Shut down the PC, disconnect the FWA 4630 from the
mains for 10 seconds and start up the PC again.
Inform customer service.
Fault message "Sensor in-
correctly assigned"
Incorrect assignment of sensors
Terminate Aligner, select <Configuration of sensors> un-
der <Easy3D Server> and perform assignment.
"Run-out compensa-
tion not successful (roll-
ing distance too short)."
Vehicle movement was too brief.
Repeat run-out compensation. Ensure a roll-
ing distance of at least 60°.
6 .4 .6
Evaluation of measurement sheet for checking sensors
1 and 2
1 and 2
If the signs are different, subtract the lower measured value from the higher value and enter the result in
column 3. Enter the sign of the higher value in column 3.
If the signs are the same, add the measured values together and enter the result with sign in column 3.
3 to 6
If the signs are the same, subtract the low measured value from the high value and enter the result in
column 3. If the higher measured value is in column 1, the sign is adopted. If the higher measured value is
in column 2, the sign changes.
If the signs are different, add the measured values together and enter the result in column 3. Enter the
sign from column 1 in column 3.
Compare the following:
1 with 2
If the signs are different, add the measured values together and enter the result in column 4.
If the signs are the same, subtract the lower measured value from the higher value and enter the result in
column 4.
3 with 6
4 with 5
If the signs are different, subtract the lower measured value from the higher value and enter the result in
column 4.
If the signs are the same, add the measured values together and enter the result in column 4.
The values in column 4 should not be higher than 3'. If they are, measurement errors have been made, e.g.
changes to vehicle or quick-action clamps.
The measurement must be repeated.
The measured values in column 3 must not be higher than 6'. In the event of a greater difference, the unit
must be re-adjusted. The Service department should then be consulted.
6 .5
Fault or information messages
6 .5 .1