1 609 929 H74 • (05.03) T
mode 1/mode 2:
If an object is found in the wall, a black mark
pears in the white area
. The depth of the object in the wall can be
read on the depth scale
in the display.
Example: In the display shown above, an object is located to the left of
the unit at a depth of 4 cm.
mode D:
The signal is displayed as an unprocessed measurement
. A clearly displayed signal maximum indicates a found object.
The depth of the object is not displayed in this mode.
To detect objects, one pass over the measured surface is adequate.
If no object was found, repeat the movement over the wall transversely
to the original measurement direction (see
Functional Method
To exactly localise and mark an object found, move the unit back over
the measured surface without lifting it from the wall (see also
tion of Objects
The extent of the object found in the wall can be determined when sev-
eral offset measurement passes are made shifted with respect to each
other (see
Examples of Measured Results
). For this pur-
pose, mark and connect the respective measured points.
By pressing the
, the display of the objects found can
be deleted at any time and a new measurement started.
If the unit is lifted from the wall during a
measurement, the last measured results
remain for a few seconds in the display. If
the unit is again placed on the wall, the
measurement starts again from the be-
Examples of Measured Results (see fold-out page)
An object runs vertically in the wall
With several horizontal measuring passes one under the other, an ob-
ject is indicated in each case. The markings of the object are vertically
one below the other. For vertical measuring passes in the same area,
no indication results.
An object runs horizontally in the wall
For horizontal passes in the examined area, no indication results. For
several vertical measuring passes side by side in the same area, an ob-
ject is indicated in each case. The marking of the object are next to
each other.
Point-shaped object (e.g. screw)
For several horizontal and vertical measuring passes over the same ar-
ea, an object is indicated only at a single location in each direction. The
markings of the object cross each other at the same location.
On the basis of the measured results, several objects occurring at reg-
ular intervals (e.g. reinforcing iron) can be distinguished from individual
objects (e.g. mains wiring). For this purpose, make passes over a large
measurement area and compare the results.
Example: In the illustration, three regularly
spaced objects at a depth of 4 cm are
recognisable that, as a result of their posi-
tion and depth, leads to the conclusion
that they are reinforcing iron. The fourth
object at a depth of 2 cm could be a
mains cable, for example.
dtectc_bu_1609929H74_t.fm Seite 5 Montag, 21. März 2005 1:49 13