Illumination of the flashing red ICE lights
indicates that:
A. The anti-icing system has been acti-
vated automatically.
B. Ice has accumulated on the ice de-
tector probes.
C. The anti-icing system has been acti-
vated by the crew.
D. The anti-icing system has failed.
Illumination of the white ICE lights in-
dicates that:
A. The anti-icing system has been acti-
vated automatically.
B. The anti-icing system has been deac-
tivated automatically.
C. Ice has accumulated on the ice de-
tector probes and the anti-icing sys-
tems have been activated by the crew.
D. The anti-icing system has failed.
Illumination of the amber FAIL light(s)
on the ICE DETECT panel indicates that:
A. The ice detection system(s) has failed.
B. The wing anti-icing system has failed.
C. The engine anti-icing system has failed.
D. The windshield anti-icing system
has failed.
The engine cowls are anti-iced:
A. Electrically
B. Pneumatically
C. By hot engine oil
D. The engine cowls are not anti-iced.
The wing anti-ice isolation valve is:
A. Normally open
B. Normally opened only on the ground
C. Opened when one engine is shut down
and wing anti-icing is required
D. Opened when engine anti-icing is re-
q u i r e d a n d o n e o f t h e 1 4 t h - s t a g e
bleed-air shutoff valves fails to open
The wing anti-ice HEAT lights illumi-
nate to indicate that:
A. A minimum acceptable temperature
has been reached in the leading edge.
B. The maximum acceptable temperature
has been reached in the leading edge.
C. There is both sufficient heat and pres-
sure for adequate leading-edge heating.
D. The wing anti-icing system has been
activated automatically by the ice de-
tection system.
The wing anti-ice FAIL lights illuminate
to indicate that:
A. The wing anti-icing switch has been
selected off.
B. There is insufficient pressure only for
adequate leading-edge heating.
C. There is insufficient temperature only
for adequate leading-edge heating.
D. There is both insufficient pressure
and temperature for adequate lead-
ing-edge heating.
The wing anti-ice HEAT lights extinguish
when the temperature in the leading edge
drops below:
A. 65°F (18°C)
B. 85°F (29°C)
C. 105°F (41°C)
D. 149°F (65°C)
Of the following components used for
anti-icing purposes, the one(s) that uses
the highest voltage is the:
A. Windshield
B. Side windows
C. Pitot-static probes
D. Stall warning vanes
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R