Emergency Stow
If the REVERSER UNLOCKED light remains
illuminated or cycles on and off during flight,
pushing the switchlight will back up the au-
tostow system by applying a separate and con-
t i n u o u s e l e c t r i c a l s t ow c o m m a n d t o t h e
pneumatic drive unit.
The amber REVERSER UNLOCKED light will
remain illuminated as an indication that the
emergency stow system has been actuated.
Thrust Lever Retard System
An automatic thrust lever retard system is in-
stalled and mechanically interfaced with the
translating sleeve. Uncommanded movement
beyond 11/2 inches of the translating sleeve
will result in retarding of the thrust lever to
IDLE. A lock is then applied to prevent for-
ward movement of the thrust lever. If the re-
verser can be stowed, this lock is removed.
As part of the Before Landing Checklist, the
thrust reverser switchlights are selected to the
ARMED position. Check that the ARMED
legends are illuminated.
D o n o t a r m a t h r u s t r eve r s e r i n
f l i g h t i f t h e U N S A F E TO A R M
light is illuminated
After touchdown, when weight on wheels or
wheel spin-up is being sensed and the thrust
lever at idle, unlatch and raise the thrust re-
versers levers and hold gently against the
solenoid stops. Check that both amber RE-
VERSER UNLOCKED lights illuminate, fol-
lowed in approximately 2 seconds by both
green REVERSER THRUST lights. Then
move the thrust reverser levers aft to obtain re-
verse thrust proportional to the amount of aft
lever movement. When ground speed decreases
to 80 knots, move the reverser levers forward
to a minimum reverse thrust position.
When thrust reversers are no longer required,
move the thrust reverser levers to the full
stow position. The REVERSE THRUST light
and the REVERSER UNLOCKED light on the
glareshield will extinguish.
Moving the reverser lever rapidly
from the full reverse thrust position
to the stow position will increase
ground speed because to the residual
engine thrust during spooldown.
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3R