A separate two-element scavenge pump provides
for positive scavenging of the fan bearing sump
during all flight attitudes (climb or descent).
Chip detectors are located in strategic areas of
the scavenge system and in the oil tank.
Oil Filter
A disposable filter removes solid particles
from the oil. The filter case includes a by-
pass valve and an impending bypass indica-
tor switch. When the differential pressure
across the filter element exceeds a preset
limit, it causes the impending bypass indica-
tor on JB4 (battery direct bus) to trip. The in-
dicator must be reset by a reset button on
JB4 (Figure 7-4).
Oil Cooler
A conventional oil-to-fuel heat exchanger
mounted on the engine maintains the oil
temperature within design limits.
A transducer on the pump pressure line senses
oil pressure and transmits it to a signal data
converter (SDC).
A resistance bulb in the oil tank provides tem-
perature signals to the SDC.
The SDC divides the signals into two outputs
and transmits them to alternate fiber optic
segments that form the vertical analog scales
of the oil pressure and oil temperature indi-
cators (Figure 7-5). The fiber optic segments
are color-coded red, yellow, and green. these
colors are also painted on the instrument face
outboard of the analog scales.
A blue light at the bottom of each vertical
scale indicates a power-on condition. The oil
pressure indicators are calibrated in psi. The
oil temperature indicators are calibrated in
degrees Celsius.
Low oil pressure is sensed by a switch on the
pressure pump output line. When the switch
closes below 28 psi, the appropriate L or R
LOP light (Figure 7-5) on the lower face of the
indicator will illuminate t o i n d i c a t e t h a t
p r e s s u r e i s b e l o w d e s i g n m i n i m u m s .
The SDC operates from two power
sources: battery bus and essential DC
bus. Lose of either power source will
result in loss of alternate segments of
the scales. The indicators will still
provide a reasonably accurate indi-
cation of pressure and temperature.
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A
Figure 7-4. Junction Box 4 (JB4)