Magnetics that count
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AKS17 ins
tallation and oper
ation ins
truction manual (2021/06/16)
If there are signs of interference or malfunctioning, the measurement system must be put out of operation
and secured against unauthorized use.
Q: Can I connect a sensor after I have chosen my desired sensor parameters?
A: Yes, in case the user wants to choose the parameters first and then calibrate the sensor the software will
allow this order.
Q: Can I connect a different sensor after I have calibrated the first sensor?
A: Yes, the software has been developed to perform this scenario. The software will disconnect the sensor
automatically after performing a calibration. The user can freely disconnect the cables and reconnect a new
sensor if desired.
Q: How can I choose calibration duration?
A: Calibration duration represents a time variable. The duration should cover at least four pole pairs for
successful calibration.
Example: If the AKS17 is used with a 1.28 mm Pole Pitch Linear Scale then four pole pairs are 8 * 1.28 =
10.24 mm. This is the absolute minimum calibration distance. If the sensor is moving along the scale with a
speed of 5 mm per second, then the calibration duration is distance / speed = 10.24 / 5 = 2.048 seconds. Thus
we choose the nearest bigger calibration duration available in the given parameters, that is 2.1875 seconds.
Q: Can I connect a sensing head for 1.28 mm and 1.5 mm pole pitch with the same programming unit and
A: Yes. The software recognizes the different pole pitches and performs the right actions. The programming
unit can handle both pole pitches.
Q: Can I connect an AKS16 and AKS17 with the same programming unit/software?
A: The programming unit and the software are able to work with both sensing heads.