II - Mechanical installation
II.1 Opening the ChronoLed
To access the programming push-buttons, remove the 2 screws (Chronoled
15 and 25) or the 4 screws (Chronoled 45) on the right side to remove the side
If needed, access to other elements is possible (power supply, driver board,
module wiring...) by removing the glass front cover. Slide the glass sideways 5
to 10 cm, then lift it up and pull it toward you to extract it from the lower profile
of the Chronoled.
II.2 Wall mounting
Fasten the unit to the wall using 4 (Ø6) screws for the Chronoled 15 and 25 or 4
(Ø8) screws for Chronoled 45 (the screws are not supplied) and the appropriate
wall anchors (wall plugs).
Note: see last page.