7.6.4 Outbox
If [Save and send] op tion is selected when send ing the message , the sen t SMS
will be saved to Outbox.
7.6.5 Sent messages
If message is sent successfully, the sent SMS will be saved to Outbox.
7.6.6Delete messages
Delete the folder information.
7.6.7Broadcast messages
It is Broadcast messages sitting
SMS reply
7.6.9 SMS Settings
Sets and save SMS service parameters of SIM card.
7.7 Extras
7.7.1 Calculator
Your phone provides you a calculator with four basic functions, which facilitates
simple calculations.
Select the calendar menu, and the screen w ill display the calendar of that
month, with date of that day shown by a special color.
This phone can set five alarm clocks at most, which still work in phone
switched-off status.
7.7.4World clock
You can choose a different time zone