10 Caring for Battery
This phone uses a rechargeable battery as power source, w hen the charge is
weak, recharge immediately to protect the batter life. It is best to drain the
battery charge first.
When no t u sing the cha rger, unp lug it from the powe r source and the phone .
Over charg ing w ill shor ten the ba ttery life. Not leave the charger connec ted to
the unit or battery for more than a week.
Temperature affects battery charge capacity.
Your battery m ay need to be w arm up or cool down before charging.If the
battery temperature is lower than 0°C and higher than + 45°C, it will not
Use the ba ttery as it is o riginally intended. Do no t sho rt c ircuit the ba ttery by
connecting the positive and negative terminals with a conductor.
Do not use a damaged battery.
The battery will not perform properly and its life will be shortened if exposed to
extreme temperatures.
Do no t p lace the ba ttery in f ire, follow local laws and ord inances in d isposing
used battery.