compare in phone's language database and select correct word, so it requires less
time than traditional English input method. Smart English input method has the
same specific keyboa rd de finition a s Eng lish input me thod. Gene ral ope ration
methods of smart English input method:
1.Every key is used to input its corresponding character and automatically
change to compose wo rd acco rding to p revious key's co rresponding cha racter.
Fast and repeatedly press
the U p/Down N avigator key
s until your requisite
character or word appear, and you can select it.
You can press
the Left soft key
to select word or charac ters and press the [0]
key to complete word confirmation and input blank.
the # key
to switch input methods.
8.4 ES (es) input Method
General operation methods of English input method:
1.Each k ey is u sed to input several characters. F ast and repeatedly p ress k ey
until your required character appears.
2.When you need to input English punctuation and some special signs, press the
[1] numeric key to call out special sign input box in English input status (include
English capitalization).
3.Press the # key to switch input methods.
4.In majuscule or minuscule input status, once press the [0] key to input blank.