Active or deactive .
- SIM1/SIM2 call settings
You can select SIM1 or SIM2 to set the call settings
- Advance settings
Auto redial:
Switch on or off auto redialing function.
Call time reminder:
To have your phone alert you with a beep forevery fixed
time intervals (Periodic) or once (Single)during a call,press
the OK k ey
select either Off;Single;or Periodic;
keypad notification light
the OK key
and select either off or on
Answer mode:
select any key or answer when headset mode
- Voicemail server
Set SIM1/SIM2 voicemail call
7.9.4Network settings
You can
set up to the network data transmission
7.9.5Display settings
Personalize your display according to your preference.
Set wa llpaper, screen auto lock, screen saver , power on d isplay: power off
display, LCD backlight. -
7.9.6Security settings
You can set security options of the phone under this menu so that the phone or
the SIM card cannot be illegally used.
- SIM Security
You can select SIM to set the security options.
- Phone security
the OK key
to activate or deactivate phone lock, the current status is