AQS610-EU/SF (V2 H/W)
DOC 584 Issue A
Page 3
1. General Description
The AQS610-EU-SF is a new high speed leaktesting system designed to leaktest containers up to 10L capacity.
It features a six head leaktester with an infeed / outfeed screw driven from a stepper motor.
Failed containers are rejected as they leave the screw.
If the unit is for the U.K and European market, it uses mB as its pressure measurement unit, the version for the
USA uses Psi.
1.1 Leaktest station
The standard leaktester is capable of testing bottles between 15 and 45 mB ( 0.2 - 0.8 Psi ), settable by the
user, all timers and delays are user settable enabling the machine to be run as quickly and accurately as each
individual job dictates.
Higher test pressures are available but this must be requested at the ordering stage.