Step 5
Step 8
Step 6
Step 9
Step 7
To ensure that Jump Mat and
Frame Pad won’t suffer from any ex-
cessive tension that will cause ripping
or tearing on the Mat,
the springs must be installed in a
specific order.
Follow the Spring order shown for
the best way to properly install and
secure the Jump Mat and Frame
Pad to the Top Rails.
Once the first 16 Springs have been
installed on the Frame, install the
remaining Springs.
Gather all Enclosure Poles and En-
closure Pole Caps.
The button must be pushed down.
Remove the Nut and Screw from
Trampoline on the right of U-Shaped
With the help of another adult,hold
the completed enclosure pole by
aligning both square holes to begin
Once aligned,screw in the completed
pole to the leg.Follow the directions
on the page for the order and right
parts to attach properly.
Continue to do this on all U Shaped
legs one by until you have installed
all Enclosure poles tightly.
Unfold the Frame Pad and place it
on top of the Top Rail and springs.
The Frame Pad must cover the Top
Rails completely to avoid injury.
Tighten the Elastic Straps at the
bottom of the Frame to the top rail
to secure to the trampoline.
NOTE: Failure to install the springs to the correct V-Ring and Top Rail
openings or not follow the Spring Order Installation as shown, may result in
tearing or injury while in use.