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Stack Heights and Clearances
The MagnumX stack heights for the above example are shown below.
Figure 7: MagnumX with Active Cooling Stack dimensions
Stack heights will depend on the length of the Hirose connectors on the host board. For example, the MagnumX
uses longer connectors on the base board to allow for high components on the host board, so there is a board to
board gap of 10mm.
On another Blue Chip Technology host board, the BCT-Eval board, there are no components on the host board
in the ETX area, so lower height connectors are used. Consequently the board to board gap is only 3mm.
Using the above example, the overall height from the inside base of an enclosure to the top edge of the screw
would be 54mm. As the fan draws air down from the top and pushes out through the sides, in this instance, there
is a requirement for at least 25mm clear space above the fan to ensure the fan operates efficiently. This could be
achieved two ways: firstly, a gap of 25mm between the top of the fan and the inside of the top cover, or
secondly, the cover could be just above the fan, with ventilation holes in the cover to allow air to flow freely
into the fan as shown in Figure 8 below.
Figure 8: Example of Cover close to top of fan