• If during the process of programming a “T” segment you fail to press a button and more than 8
seconds elapses, the programming for that “T” segment will automatically save and exit. You can
cycle back to that segment by pressing the “DOWN” button once then press the “SET” button
until you come back to the segment you were programming. Proceed with the normal segment
programing steps.
• When programming a “T2,” “T3,” or T4” segment the programmed times may not overlap with
times from other segments. If this happens, the programming for that segment cannot be saved. Go
back to restart that segment’s programming as explained above.
• To fast delete the current settings for “T” segment, set the hour in start time to “23” and press the
“UP” button once, the setting under this segment will be deleted. Or, set the hour in start time to
“00” and press the “Down” button once, the setting under this segment will be deleted.
• Review the button functions below for additional programming information.
(Diagram 4)
Used to start or stop the pump.
• When switched to stop in the Manual Mode the pump stops until turned back on.
• When switched to stop in the Automatic Mode the pump automatically turns on when the time
reaches the next programmed segment.
3.2) “SET” BUTTON:
• In the Manual Mode, it is used to switch between different default speeds.
• In Automatic Mode, it is used to enter the programming status or enter the next item for
programming in each segment.
• In Automatic Mode press and hold for 3 seconds to exit the segment.
3.3) “UP” BUTTON:
• In Manual Mode, it can be used to increase the pump speed.
• When used during Current Time programming, users can cycle up to the previous interface to view
the timing item page.
• When used in programming the Automatic Mode “T” segments, it is used to increase the time or
speed in that segment.
• Pressing and holding will rapidly increase the change in value.