Blodgett IQ2
Vision Control
7. The display reads:
Stage 1 Timing
There are 3 options for timĆ
ing mode when shelf cooking: Straight,
Flex and Sensitivity. Straight has no
time adjustment. Flex adjusts the cook
time to compensate for any difference
between the setpoint and actual temĆ
perature. Sensitivity enables a product
key to have a flex adjustment for each
of the five shelves. Sensitivity values are
set in the manager level programming.
Sensitivity is only available when usĆ
ing shelf cooking.
Use the PROGRAM ARROW KEYS (4) to seĆ
lect the desired timing mode. Press the PROĆ
8. The display reads:
Stage 1 Fan Spd
Use the PROGRAM ARROW KEYS (4) to seĆ
lect either HIGH or LOW fan speed. Press the
9. The display reads:
Stage 1 Fan Cyc
There are 3 options for fan
cycle time: Pulse, Heat and Full. Pulse
allows the fan to turn on and off as proĆ
grammed. Heat allows the fan to operĆ
ate with heat only. Full provides continuĆ
ous fan operation when door is closed.
Use the PROGRAM ARROW KEYS (4) to seĆ
lect the fan cycle. If heat or full are selected
skip to step 10. If pulse is selected the display
Stage 1 Fan On
Use the PRODUCT KEYS (14) to enter the deĆ
sired length of the time the fan should be on
in the pulse cycle. Press PROGRAM KEY (3).
The display reads:
Stage 1 Fan OFF
Use the PRODUCT KEYS (14) to enter the deĆ
sired length of the time the fan should be off
in the pulse cycle. Press the PROGRAM KEY
10. If you are programming a product using shelf
cooking skip to step 11.
If you are programming a product that does
not use shelf cooking the display reads:
Stage 2 Time
Repeat steps 5 through 10 for each remaining
stage. If you are programming a single stage
recipe without shelf cooking enter at time of
00:00 for stage 2.
11. The display reads:
Alarm 1 Time
If you would like the alarm to
sound prior to the completion of the
cook cycle you may program it here.
The alarm time counts up from the beĆ
ginning of the cook cycle. For example,
if you want an alarm 9 minutes into the
cook cycle, program the alarm time at
Use the PRODUCT KEYS (14) to enter the time
for the first alarm to sound. If 00:00 is entered
for an alarm time, skip to step 12.
Press the PROGRAM KEY (3). If a time other
than 00:00 is entered the display reads: