In mineralized terrains, if has a strong responsive signal from the terrain and the manual
balancing is difficult or the user has small practical experience, is recommended the
THRESHOLD potentiometer to return with one or two levels back at the level where the metal
detector starts to slightly zoom, then proceeding to the descriptions above balancing. In
addition, in order to reduce the response signal from the ground, can be set in advance desired
level of discrimination (DISCR LEVEL potentiometer from level "0" is placed in the desired
operating level) and then performed the described above balancing of the metal detector.
For soils containing large amounts of salts, in moist and wet soils, in clay soils, when searching
on the beach and searching in salt water, if the signal from the ground can not be ignored
entirely, look for the setting in which in the horizontal (left-right) movement of the search coil
of about 2-5 cm above the ground, have not drastic false signals, ie the metal detector does
not sound like from a detected metal object in the absence of a real one. In such situations, it
is usually necessary potentiometers THRESHOLD and GAIN to be set at lower levels, as instead
of drastically reducing of the GAIN potentiometer is recommended reduction of the
THRESHOLD potentiometer.
The balancing should be carried at a place, with no metal objects near to the search coil, ie the piece
of land on which is being done the described vertical movement of the search coil, should not
contain metal objects.
Otherwise, they would interfere the balancing process and the metal detector can not be
balanced or will be balanced incorrectly. Whether the terrain is clean, is easily established, if
the GROUND COARSE potentiometer is turned to a middle position and the search coil is
moved horizontally above the terrain, ie without changing its distance towards the ground.
When there are no metal objects, the predefined from the THRESHOLD potentiometer sound
would not be changed. One other possibility is the chosen balancing terrain to be searched for
metal objects in advance while using the automatic ground balance mode (GROUND MODE
switch turned to "AUTO" position).
After the balancing has been finished, the GROUND MODE switch remains in "MAN" position
(manual ground balance), while the DISCR LEVEL and THRESHOLD potentiometers are set to
the desired from the user levels.
When changing the terrain with another, significantly different from the previous (changing the soil
characteristics), the metal detector should be balanced again following the above-described way, so
that it remains stable. In most cases, when changing the terrain with another, or change in the
characteristics of the terrain, should be made only adjustment of the ground balance by GROUND
FINELY potentiometer.
In v3, the setting of the ground balance should be done with more attention! This of course, albeit to
a lesser extent, applies to all other versions. In order to balance, the level of potentiometer GROUND
COARSE be increased until disappeared the sound from the ground or until it is reduced to an
acceptable level. Greater increase in the level of potentiometer GROUND COARSE, than is
necessary, can lead to decrease of the depth of detection.
- User Guide (version EN201405101504)
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