Charge on.
Screen Displayed
The Selected Blink Unit
is an invalid Unit.
1. Please reconfirm your Unit # and retry.
2. For assistance, please call
1-888-998-BLINK (2546).
The Selected Blink Unit
is currently in-use or
1. Please try to a different chargeing
2. For assistance, please call
1-888-998-BLINK (2546).
Fault (Case 1).
1. A fault occurred.
2. System will automatically reset the
fault in 15 minutes.
3. You may also touch the reset button
to manually reset the system.
4. For assistance, please call
1-888-998-BLINK (2546).
Fault (Case 2).
1. A fault occurred.
2. Touch the reset button to manually
reset the system.
3. For assistance, please call
1-888-998-BLINK (2546).
Fault (Case 3).
1. A fault occurred.
2. Please wait while the system attemps
to clear the fault.
3. For assistance, please call
1-888-998-BLINK (2546).