BrewEasy™ Compact Tri-Clamp V1
© Blichmann Engineering, LLC 2021
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Step Five (Optional Recirculation Kit):
Next, you will measure and cut your silicone hose into two lengths to facilitate your recirculation kit. One of the hoses
will connect the bottom of the flow meter to the outlet of your RipTide™ pump. The other hose will connect the kettle
drain valve to the inlet of your pump.
After you measure the lengths that you will need your hoses to be, cut them and install QuickConnectors™ and plastic
clamps on each silicone hose end. Place the plastic clamp over the hose before installing the QuickConnector™. We
recommend that the elbow-barbed QuickConnectors™ go on the hose that attaches to the flow meter and the pump
outlet. We recommend that the straight-barb QuickConnectors™ go on the hose that attaches to the drain valve and
the pump inlet.
On straight QuickConnectors™ leave approximately 1/8” of space between the QuickConnector™ nut and silicone
hose before tightening the plastic clamp.
Install the QuickConnectors™ is such a way that minimizes the potential for kinks that can restrict flow.
Do not mount the pump higher than the standard liquid level within the kettle.
Step Four (Optional Recirculation Kit):
To install the flow meter onto the side of your kettle, gather the flow meter, sparge tube port bulkhead, retaining
o-rings, and the retaining washers. Place one o-ring and one retaining washer on the threaded side of the bulkhead,
and insert the threads through the inside of the upper hole on the right side of the kettle. The threads should be fac-
ing outward. Install the remaining retaining o-ring and retaining washer on the outside of the kettle. Then, screw the
bulkhead into the stainless steel elbow of the flow meter. No thread tape is required.
Kettle wall