Blaze ASV-2 Operating Manual
Page 12
4.5 ASI Setup (Airspeed Setup)
Zero ASI Sensor:
This setup allows your instrument to measure the zero airspeed reading of the airspeed sensor and set a calibration value
internally for this. This is equivalent to some mechanical airspeed indicators that have an adjustment to set the needle to
zero when the aircraft is not moving. You would use this function occasionally if you see an airspeed reading when the
aircraft is at rest. This may be caused by aging of the built in pressure sensor or related electronics. When this function is
performed make sure that there is no air flow into the pitot tube as this would result in an incorrect internal calibration.
ASI Unit:
Select if you want the ASI to be displayed in mph (statute miles per hour), km/h (kilometers per hour) or kts (nautical miles
per hour).
ASI Filter:
This function can be used to select the signal filter time constant. Selections are
. This
selection influences the rate at which your ASI can change its reading. If you have an installation that suffers from strong
turbulence at the pitot tube, select “slow”. If you have a very clean airflow in front of the pilot tube you can select “fast”
which will give you a faster response to airspeed changes.