Blaze ASV-2 Operating Manual
Page 13
Vne Speed: (Max Exceed Speed)
Enter you maximum speed you aircraft should not exceed.
Vno Speed: (Max Maneuvering Speed)
Enter your maximum maneuvering speed.
Vfe Speed: (Max Flap Speed)
Enter the maximum speed that is permissible with the flaps extended.
Vs1 Speed: (Min Safe Speed, Normal)
Enter your minimum safe speed for normal flight of your aircraft
Vs0 Speed: (Min Safe Speed, Landing)
Enter your minimum safe speed for landing your aircraft
Vs Alarm:
This enables or disables Vs Alarm.
Vne Alarm:
This enables or disables the VNE alarm.
During the factory calibration a factor has been determined and entered here that will give you accurate airspeed,
provided your pitot tube is not influenced by pressure effects caused by airflow around your airframe. The calibration is
displayed in % of the reading, you can increase or decrease the reading if required to help cancel out under or over
reading of the airspeed indicator on your aircraft.
Select whether you want the airspeed display on the top or on the bottom of the main display.