Aileron (Left and Right Cyclic)
Left Cyclic
Rear View
Right Cyclic
Consult your local laws and ordinances before choosing a location to fl y your aircraft.
We recommend fl ying your aircraft outside in calm winds (3 MPH or less) or inside a large
gymnasium. Always avoid fl ying near houses, trees, wires and buildings. You should also be
careful to avoid fl ying in areas where there are many people, such as busy parks, schoolyards
or soccer fi elds.
It is best to fl y from a smooth fl at surface as this will allow the model to slide without tipping
over. Keep the helicopter approximately 2 ft (600mm) above the ground. Keep the tail pointed
toward you during initial fl ights to keep the control orientation consistent. Releasing the stick
while in the low or high bank angle Stability Modes will allow the helicopter to level itself.
Activating the Panic Switch will level the helicopter quickly. If you become disoriented, slowly
lower the throttle stick to land softly. During initial fl ights, only attempt takeoff, landing and
hovering the model in one spot.
Typical fl ight time for the included battery is approximately 4-5 minutes, depending on the
battery condition and your fl ying style.
Place the model onto a fl at, level surface free of obstacles and walk back 30 feet (10 meters).
Gradually increase the throttle until the model is approximately 2 ft. (600mm) off the ground.
Making small corrections on the transmitter, try to hold the helicopter in one spot. If fl ying in
calm winds, the model should require almost no corrective inputs. After moving the cyclic
stick and returning it to center the model should level itself. The model may continue to move
due to inertia. Move the cycle stick in the opposite direction to stop the movement.
Do not use the trims on the transmitter to eliminate drift. If the helicopter does not hold a
reasonable hover in calm conditions, see the
Drift Calibration
After you become comfortable hovering, you can progress into fl ying the model to different
locations, keeping the tail pointed towards you at all times. You can also ascend and descend
using the throttle stick. Once you're comfortable with these maneuvers, you can attempt
fl ying with the tail in different orientations. It is important to keep in mind that the fl ight control
inputs will rotate with the helicopter, so always try to picture the control inputs relative to the
nose of the helicopter. For example, forward will always drop the nose of the helicopter.
Flying the mSR S