Install and remove a .cod file for testing
To load, remove, or save .cod files when testing a BlackBerry® device application, use the JavaLoader tool, included with the
BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment. For production applications, use the BlackBerry® Desktop Software. You must
load BlackBerry device applications with dependencies in the correct order. If project A is dependent on project B, load the project
B .cod file before loading the project A .cod file.
Save a .cod file from a device to a computer
To load, remove, or save .cod files when testing a BlackBerry® device application, use the JavaLoader tool, included with the
BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment.
Connect the BlackBerry device to the computer.
Open a command prompt, and navigate to the location of the JavaLoader.exe file.
Perform one of the following actions:
Save a BlackBerry device
application .cod file from the
BlackBerry device to your computer.
Issue a command using the following format:
javaloader save
.cod file
For example:
javaloader.exe save MyApplication.cod
Save BlackBerry device
application .cod files listed in the
same .jad file from the BlackBerry
device to your computer.
Issue a command using the following format:
javaloader save
.jad file
For example:
javaloader.exe save MyApplication.jad
Save BlackBerry device
application .cod files stored in the
same CodeModuleGroup from the
BlackBerry device to your computer.
Issue a command using the following format:
javaloader save [-g]
For example:
javaloader.exe save -g MyApplication
Retrieve information about a .cod file
To load, remove, or save .cod files when testing a BlackBerry® device application, use the JavaLoader tool, included with the
BlackBerry® Java® Development Environment.
Connect the BlackBerry® device to the computer.
Development Guide
Testing applications using the compiled .cod files