BlackBerry device applications for use with a BlackBerry device running on a specific platform version should specify supported
platform versions using the
attribute. The
attribute can be used within the
directory tag, the application tag, or the fileset tag.
You can use the following rules to specify a version range for the BlackBerry Device Software or the platform version:
Square brackets [] indicate inclusive (closed) range matching.
Round brackets () indicate exclusive (open) range matching.
Missing lower ranges imply 0.
Missing upper ranges imply infinity.
For example, [4.0,) indicates any version between 4.0 and infinity.
Code sample: Preventing modules from loading on versions of the BlackBerry Device Software earlier than version 4.0.
<application id="application_id" _blackberryVersion="[4.0,)">
Code sample: Providing alternative modules for different versions of the BlackBerry Device Software.
<application id="application_id>">
<fileset _blackberryVersion="(,4.0)">
... modules for BlackBerry device software versions earlier than 4.0
<fileset _blackberryVersion="[4.0,)">
... modules for BlackBerry device software versions 4.0 and later
Code sample: Preventing modules from loading on versions of the platform earlier than version
<application id="application_id" _platformVersion="[,)">
Code sample: Providing alternative modules for different versions of the platform.
<application id="application_id>">
<fileset _platformVersion="(,">
... modules for BlackBerry OS plaform versions earlier than
<fileset _platformVersion="[,)">
... modules for BlackBerry OS plaform versions and later
Development Guide
Specifing supported versions of the BlackBerry Device Software