TX/CX 4000
2. Type an upper-case “Z.”
3. Type the command number for
the command to be used, as
shown in the table.
4. Type a comma.
5. Type the command. No spaces
are allowed. A space or invalid
character in a command causes
the TX/CX 4000 to ignore the
command and resume printing
from the point where the error
6. Multiple commands can be
chained together by using a slash
(/) or backslash (\) to separate
the commands (no spaces
allowed). For example, to set the
Output Printer (Command 60)
to HP LaserJet PCL-4 (Option
2), the Output Port (Command
66) to Parallel (Option 0), and
the orientation for the Alternate
Paper Tray (Command 63) to
Landscape (Option 2), type:
The following table shows the
Coax Host/PC Download command
and its command number in
alphabetical order. This table
includes all configuration
parameters accessible through the
front panel, as well as additional