TX/CX 4000
Table 8-1. Error Messages (continued).
Error Message
Probable Cause
Two Byte Data
This test verifies
A failure could be
Checks Bad
multi-byte data
caused by a -5 volt
transmissions for
supply problem, a
proper data.
transmitter circuit
failure, a receiver
circuit failure, or an
ASIC failure.
Overflow Counter
This tests the
This indicates an
protection circuit
ASIC failure.
in the ASIC designed
to prevent a host
failure from over-
filling the interface
buffer and causing
an error in operation.
Bad Data—
A byte of data was
This indicates a
Expecting XX
sent, and the receiver
problem with the
Received YY
circuitry interrupted
twinaxial circuitry
the microprocessor.
data paths.
However, when the
data was checked it
was not the same as
when it was sent.