TX/CX 4000
To change the assigned paper tray,
type the respective command
followed by a comma (,) and the
corresponding number of the
chosen paper source.
If you have an HP LaserJet 4 Plus
connected to the TX/CX 4000 and
the host is requesting paper to be
fed through paper drawer #1, the
HP printer would, by default, feed
from the Paper Cassette. Assign the
500-sheet Cassette to the paper
drawer #1, input 5 (from ESC&l5H)
as the value for Paper Drawer # 1 =,
or send the Host/PC download
command Z13,5 to the printer.
5.10 APO and COR
IBM introduced Automatic Print
Orientation (APO) and Computer
Output Reduction (COR) with the
3812 printer. These features rotate
data-processing reports to a
landscape orientation and compress
text as needed to fit the complete
document on a standard 8-1/2" x
14" page. This allows the user to
print a report initially designed to fit
on 14-7/8" x 11" green bar paper
onto a standard letter- or legal-size
page without redesigning the report.
APO and COR can also be applied to
word-processing documents.
Figure 5-1
shows the decision
process used to determine the
orientation of reports sent from the
host. To properly set up COR or to
determine why the results are not as
expected, follow the diagram, along
with the following explanations:
BLOCK 1: The TX/CX 4000 first
checks for a Set Text Orientation
(STO) command from the host. In a
data processing document, the STO
command is usually found in the
printer file. In a word-processing
document, you can usually specify
the rotation by choosing Portrait or
Landscape from a format menu. If a
rotation is specified, the document
prints in the host-selected font using
the STO command to control
orientation. If a rotation is not
specified, the decision process
continues to BLOCK 2. If page
rotation of a data-processing report
is set to *COR (AS/400 only), the
decision process continues directly
to BLOCK 5.
BLOCK 2: If the TX/CX 4000’s
APO is enabled (on), the decision
process continues to BLOCK 3. With
APO disabled (off), the decision
process continues to BLOCK 4.