TX/CX 4000
BLOCK 3: The TX/CX 4000
determines whether the page size is
8 1/2” x 14” or smaller. For data-
processing reports, the actual page
size is calculated using the following
Width = Max. Print Position
Length = Max. Print Lines
In word-processing documents,
the actual page size is already
specified. If the page size is 8-1/2" x
14" or smaller, the decision process
continues to BLOCK 6, as the
document is small enough to fit on
the page, and COR is not necessary.
The APO feature will determine if
the document is printed with
portrait or landscape orientation. If
the page size is larger than 8-1/2" x
14", the decision process continues
to BLOCK 5.
BLOCK 4: The TX/CX 4000 then
considers its own page-orientation
settings. If the TX/CX 4000 is set to
landscape, the report will print in
landscape. If it is set to portrait, the
report will print in portrait. If COR
is selected by setting portrait and
landscape to OFF on the front panel
or by sending host download
commands 06 and 07, each with a
value of 0 (&%Z06,)0\Z07,0), the
document will print in landscape
with compressed text. If “COR, host
selected” is chosen by setting portrait
and landscape to ON from the front
panel or by sending host download
command 06s and 07 (each with a
value of 1), the decision process
continues to BLOCK 5.
BLOCK 5: The “COR, host selected”
setting of the TX/CX 4000 behaves
exactly like the COR setting in the
host’s printer file. With one or both
of these settings active, a true 3812
printer emulation is required to
check for certain host commands
that could override the COR
request. The commands are:
• System/36: an OCL statement
of TEXT-YES or Rotate-0
• System/38: a CL statement of
• AS/400: a selection of PAGRTT