4. Features
4.1 What Can You Do with Your Modem?
You can use your MiniModem to access the Internet
or commercial on-line information services such as
CompuServe, America Online, Genie, and Prodigy.
You can also make direct links with colleagues with
modems, to banks, and to service bureaus. You can
telecommute with your fax modem—work at home
while communicating with the office by modem or fax.
And you can use your modem to exchange faxes
with any fax machine in the world, enabling you to
communicate quickly with businesses and organizations
that do not have direct modem communications.
4.2 Features
• Complies with major ITU-T, TIA, and EIA
international standards to ensure compatibility
with other modems.
• Caller ID capability can identify a caller’s phone
number (available only on U.S. products, if you
subscribe to Caller ID service from your phone