1. Specifications
Client-to-Server Data Rates
—V.90 or K56flex speeds
(up to about 53 kbps) when accessing an ISP-type
K56flex server (actual speed depends on server
capabilities and line conditions)
Client-to-Client Data Rates
—33,600, 31,200, 28,800,
26,400, 24,000, 21,600, 19,200, 16,800, 14,400,
12,000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 0–300 bps
Fax Data Rates
—14,400, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400,
300 bps
Data Format
—Serial, binary, asynchronous
Modem Capability
—K56flex; ITU-T V.90, V.34
enhanced, V.34, V.32terbo, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis,
V.22; Bell 212A and 103/113; ITU-T V.29, V.42,
V.42bis; ITU-T V.21 and V.23 in international
Fax Capability
—ITU-T Group 3, Class 1 and 2, T.4,
T.30, V.21, V.27ter, V.29, V.17, and TIA/EIA
Error Correction
—ITU-T V.42 (LAP-M or MNP 3-4)