6. Your modem passes this test if what you see on
your monitor is exactly what you typed on your
keyboard. If different data appear on your
monitor, your modem is probably causing the
problem, though it could also be your computer.
If your modem passes this test, but you are
receiving errors while on line, the remote
modem or the phone line could be at fault.
B.3 Remote Digital Loopback Test (V.54 Loop 2)
The remote digital loopback test tests the phone lines
and the circuits of both your modem and a remote
modem. In this test, your modem must be on line with
another modem that is set up to respond to a request
for remote digital loopback.
Some modems might not support remote digital
loopback or might have it disabled. Data from your
computer or terminal is transmitted through your
modem and over the phone line to the remote modem,
where it is then looped back to your modem.