CHAPTER 4: Configuration
8. There are some CAS protocols (such as R2 Mexico) for which you may designate the number of digits
used for the telephone number. To set the digit count, select the General Configuration option by
using the arrow keys to move the highlight onto it and pressing Enter. This screen will appear:
If Digit Count appears as ENABLED in this menu, you may change the count’s value. If it appears
as DISABLED, digit counting is not enforced for the protocol you’ve selected; other mechanisms
are used to know when the phone number is complete.
9. Save any changes you have made and return to the previous menu.
Note that a channel-associated signaling resource does not have an ISDN Layer 2; so you will not see a “Data
link up” log message. Instead, once the R2 line is operational, you should see a “Channel Associated Signaling
Up” log message.