LIVE 24/7
Authentication Method Configuration
Client: The management client for which the configuration below applies.
Method: Authentication Method can be set to one of the following values:
- none : authentication is disabled and login is not possible.
- local : use the local user database on the switch for authentication.
- radius : use a remote RADIUS server for authentication.
- tacacs : use a remote TACACS server for authentication.
Methods that involve remote servers are timed out if the remote servers are offline. In this case the next method is tried. Each
method is tried from left to right and continues until a method either approves or rejects a user. If a remote server is used for
primary authentication it is recommended to configure secondary authentication as ‘local’. This will enable the management
client to login via the local user database if none of the configured authentication servers are alive.
Service Port: The TCP port for each client service. The valid port number is 1 ~ 65534.
HTTP Redirect: Enable http Automatic Redirect.
Command Authorization Method Configuration
Client: The management client for which the configuration below applies.
Method: Authorization Method can be set to one of the following values:
- none: authorization is disabled and login is not possible.
- tacacs: use a remote server for authorization.
Cmd Lvl: Runs authorization for all commands at the specified privilege level. Specifies the command level that should be
authorized. Valid entries are 0 through 15.
Cfg Cmd: Enable or disable the configure command.
Fallback: The local database can act as a fallback method for several functions. This behavior is designed to help you prevent
accidental lockout from the security appliance.
Accounting Method Configuration
Client: The management client for which the configuration below applies.
Method: The Accounting Method can be set to one of the following values:
- none: accounting is disabled and login is not possible.
- tacacs: use a remote server for accounting.
Cmd Lvl: Runs accounting for all commands at the specified privilege level. Specifies the command level that should be authorized.
Valid entries are 0 through 15.
Exec: Runs accounting to determine if the user is allowed to run an EXEC shell. This facility might return user profile information
such as auto command information.
Apply: Click to save changes.
Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.