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NOTE: All frame types are explained below.
Any: Allow all types of frames.
EtherType: Ether Type Valid Ether Type can be 0x600-0xFFFF excluding 0x800(IPv4) and 0x86DD(IPv6) or ‘Any’.
– DSAP Address Valid DSAP(Destination Service Access Point) can vary from 0x00 to 0xFF or ‘Any’.
– SSAP Address Valid SSAP(Source Service Access Point) can vary from 0x00 to 0xFF or ‘Any’.
– Control Valid Control field can vary from 0x00 to 0xFF or ‘Any’.
SNAP: PID Valid PID(a.k.a Ether Type) can be 0x0000-0xFFFF or ‘Any’.
IPv4: Protocol IP protocol number: (0-255, ‘TCP’ or ‘UDP’) or ‘Any’.
– Source IP Specific Source IP address in value/mask format or ‘Any’. IP and Mask are in the format x.y.z.w where x, y, z, and w are
decimal numbers between 0 and 255. When Mask is converted to a 32-bit binary string and read from left to right, all bits following
the first zero must also be zero.
– Destination IP Specific Destination IP address in value/mask format or ‘Any’.
– IP Fragment IPv4 frame fragmented option: ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Any’.
– DSCP Diffserv Code Point value (DSCP): It can be a specific value, range of values or ‘Any’. DSCP values are in the range 0-63
including BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43.
– Sport Source TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP protocol UDP/TCP.
– Dport Destination TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP protocol UDP/TCP.
IPv6: Protocol IP protocol number: (0-255, ‘TCP’ or ‘UDP’) or ‘Any’.
– Source IP 32 LS bits of IPv6 source address in value/mask format or ‘Any’.
– Destination IP Specific Destination IP address in value/mask format or ‘Any’.
– DSCP Diffserv Code Point value (DSCP): It can be a specific value, range of values or ‘Any’. DSCP values are in the range 0-63
including BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43.
– Sport Source TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP protocol UDP/TCP.
– Dport Destination TCP/UDP port:(0-65535) or ‘Any’, specific or port range applicable for IP protocol UDP/TCP.
Action Parameters:
– CoS Class of Service: (0-7) or ‘Default’.
– DPL Drop Precedence Level: (0-3) or ‘Default’.
– DSCP DSCP: (0-63, BE, CS1-CS7, EF or AF11-AF43) or ‘Default’.
– PCP PCP: (0-7) or ‘Default’. Note: PCP and DEI cannot be set individually.
– DEI DEI: (0-1) or ‘Default’.
– Policy ACL Policy number: (0-127) or ‘Default’ (empty field).
‘Default’ means that the default classified value is not modified by this QCE.
Apply: Click to save changes.
Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
Cancel: Return to the previous page without saving the configuration change.