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OutDiscards: The number of outbound packets that are discarded even if the packets are normal.
OutErrors: The The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
OutQLen: The length of the output packet queue (in packets).
Sample Type: The method of sampling the selected variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds; possible
sample types are:
Absolute: Get the sample directly.
Delta: Calculate the difference between samples (default).
Value: The value of the statistic during the last sampling period.
Startup Alarm: The method of sampling the selected variable and calculating the value to be compared against the thresholds,
possible sample types are:
RisingTrigger alarm when the first value is larger than the rising threshold.
FallingTrigger alarm when the first value is less than the falling threshold.
RisingOrFallingTrigger alarm when the first value is larger than the rising threshold or less than the falling threshold (default).
Rising Threshold: Rising threshold value (-2147483648-2147483647).
Rising Index: Rising event index (1-65535).
Falling Threshold: Falling threshold value (-2147483648-2147483647)
Falling Index: Falling event index (1-65535).
Delete: Check to delete the entry. It will be deleted during the next save.
Add New Entry: Click to add a new entry.
Apply: Click to save changes.
Reset: Click to undo any changes made locally and revert to previously saved values.
12.5.2 STATUS
This page provides an overview of RMON Alarm entries. Each page shows up to 99 entries from the Alarm table, default is 20,
selected through the “entries per page” input field. When first visited, the web page will show the first 20 entries from the beginning of
the Alarm table. The first displayed will be the one with the lowest ID found in the Alarm table.
The “Start from Control Index” allows the user to select the starting point in the Alarm table. Clicking the Refresh button will update
the displayed table starting from that or the next closest Alarm table match.
The Next Entry will use the last entry of the currently displayed entry as a basis for the next lookup. When the end is reached the text
“No more entries” is shown in the displayed table. Use the First Entry button to start over.
To display a RMON Alarm Status in the web interface:
1. Click SNMP, Alarm and Status.
2. Check “Auto-refresh.”
3. Click “Refresh” to refresh the port detailed statistics.
4. Click First Entry/Next Entry to change the Entry.