724-746-5500 | b lackb o x.co m
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Alternatively, you can manually change the clock settings:
To change running system time:
# date 092216452005.05 Format is MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]
Then the following command will save this new system time to the hardware clock:
# /bin/hwclock -systohc
Alternatively, to change the hardware clock:
# /bin/hwclock -- set --date=092216452005.05 Format is MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]
Then the following command will save this new hardware clock time as the system time:
# /bin/hwclock -hctosys
To change the timezone:
# config -s config.system.timezone=US/Eastern
The following command will synchronize the live system with the new configuration:
# config -r time
14.20 Dial-in settings
To enable dial-in access on the DB9 serial port from the command line with the following attributes:
Local IP Address
Remote IP Address
Authentication Type:
Serial Port Baud Rate:
Serial Port Flow Control:
Custom Modem Initialization:
Callback phone
User to dial as
Password for user
Run the following commands:
# config -s config.console.ppp.localip=
# config -s config.console.ppp.remoteip=
# config -s config.console.ppp.auth=MSCHAPv2
# config -s config.console.speed=115200
# config -s config.console.flow=Hardware
# config -s config.console.initstring=ATQ0V1H0
# config -s config.console.ppp.enabled=on
# config -s config.console.ppp.callback.enabled=on
# config -s config.console.ppp.callback.phone1=0800223665
# config -s config.console.ppp.username=user1
# config -s config.console.ppp.password=secret
To make the dialed connection the default route:
# config -s config.console.ppp.defaultroute=on
Please note that supported authentication types are 'None', 'PAP', 'CHAP' and 'MSCHAPv2'.
Supported serial port baud-rates are '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200', and '230400'.
Supported parity values are 'None', 'Odd', 'Even', 'Mark' and 'Space'.
Supported data-bits values are '8', '7', '6' and '5'.