3.1.2 Com Setting
Configure the com ports settings at “Com Setting” page, only the RS232-1 and RS485-0 be supported on
standard TG501.
Note: RS485-1 setting only available if your TG501 is customized support up to 2-RS485 ports.
Figure 19: Com Setting
Parameter Name
Enable the serial com ports respectively, for standard TG501
RS232-1, RS485-0 are available. The RS485-1 will be valid
only when your TG501 is customized to support 2-RS485.
Baud rate
Configure the baud rate of each serial port respectively.
Frame Interval
configure the frame interval of serial communication.
Modbus Device Address
The Modbus slave device address, 1 is for TG501 itself that
read ADC/DI/Relay states.
Modbus update Interval
The update interval of device upload Modbus data initiatively,
0 is for disable this feature.