Bitstorm Inc.
Bad Boy Xtreme
Step 4
When Apply has completed, the Status tab will be displayed. Connec-
tion progress will be reported. You may see status of ’Connecting’,
‘Authenticating’, ‘Obtaining IP Address’, etc. See Fig 3.
If connecting to an unsecured hotspot, additional authenti-
cation after connection may be required by the hotspot. To test for this
after connecting to the hotspot, simply try to open a web page and see
whether an additional authentication is presented by the hotspot. That
page may include a request for payment for internet access.
On the System tab, backups of the Keys database can be
made. It is recommended to do this prior to using the Reboot or Reset
to Defaults buttons since using these features will erase any previous
remembered values. The restore feature allows backup Key values to
be reloaded into Xtreme. This ability to backup and restore is also
handy when moving Keys to another Xtreme or Express.