Irys® User Guide
For Research Use Only. Not Intended For Diagnostic Purposes.
IrysPrep Labeling-NLRS (BNG PN 30024)
The IrysPrep Labeling-NLRS assay provides sequence-specific labeling of megabase-containing gDNA for Irys
mapping at the single molecule level. Sequence specificity is provided by the Nickase. Labeling is carried out by a
limited-drive nick translation process in the presence of a fluorophore-labeled nucleotide. The labeled nicks are
repaired to restore strand integrity. The labeled DNA is stained for backbone visualization (NLRS). Labeled nicks
are seen as dots on a string.
IrysPrep Human Blood Protocol (BNG PN 30033)
The IrysPrep Human Blood Protocol targets recovery of white blood cells using differential red blood cell lysis.
The resulting white blood cells are quantitated, immobilized in agarose plugs, and subjected to plug lysis treatment
for megabase DNA recovery. White blood cell quantitation enables targeting the proper number of cells per plug to
stay within the optimal range for plug lysis.
3.3 IrysChip Preparation Summary
The IrysChip is stored at -20ºC. The chip must be warmed to room temperature before performing the run. Once
warmed, dry off any moisture on the chip packaging before removing the chip.
Preparing IrysChip
1. Allow the IrysChip to warm up in its pouch and allow it to equilibrate to room temperature for at least 30
minutes prior to use.
Removing the IrysChip from its pouch before it has warmed to room temperature will cause
performance problems or chip failure.
2. While the IrysChip is warming, turn on the Irys instrument if it is not yet on.
3. Wipe off any external moisture from the pouch before opening.
4. Prior to loading the IrysChip onto the stage, inspect the underside of the chip for dust or other debris which can
impact optical performance. A lens paper should be used to gently wipe the underside of the chip if necessary.
Do not touch the underside of the IrysChip with anything other than a lens paper. Do not use dusting
gas to clean the IrysChip.
3.4 Instrument Preparation Summary
Follow the instrument boot-up process to initialize software and hardware components.
System Startup
1. Connect the power and communication cables.
2. Open the system LCD display by lifting the front edge of the display until it is in a full up-right position. Then,
rotate the bottom of the screen until it is in a convenient viewing position.
3. Turn ON the instrument using the main power switch located on the lower right-hand side.