The programming of this dispensing-mode is based on the
increment of the chosen tip size.
5.3. OPT-mode
Options-modes P, dd, Sd, Ad and SA
2. Choose the desired Operating mode:
P = pipetting
dd = diluting
Sd = sequential dispensing
Ad = automatic multi-dispensing
SA = multi-aspirating
1. Choose OPT-mode
from the Main modes
P = pipetting
dd = two different solutions separated with air gap are
aspirated and then dispensed together
Sd = a series of different volumes of same solution can be delivered in
any desired order
Ad = the pipette performs repetitive dispensing of a selected volume
automatically at the spesified interval. The sum of the dispensing
aliquots and an automatically selected excess volume is aspirated
into the tip. The excess volume is needes to ensure equal operating
conditions for each dispensing step
SA = the pipette performs consecutive aspiration operations of the
programmed volume. This mode allows e.g. emptying a microwell
plate, sample pooling and other special applications
3. Choose the volume. Attach the tip
to the dispenser before confirming
the programming by double clicking
the Start-button. Note: If you want
to change the speed, press the
Select-key and make the desired
changes to the speed before you
confirm the volume.
3. Choose the desired volumes. Attach
the tip to the dispenser before
confirming the programming by
double clicking the Start-button.
Note: If you want to change the
speed, press the Select-key and
make the desired changes to the
speed before you confirm the